瑞士STORZ医用冲击波疼痛治疗系统DUOLITH® SD1
瑞士STORZ医用冲击波疼痛治疗系统DUOLITH® SD1
产品编码: | DUOLITH SD1 |
产品品牌: | 瑞士STORZ |
起订数量: | 1(PCS) |
一、瑞士Storz医疗机构成立于1987年,隶属于Karl Storz集团,Storz医疗机构致力于研发冲击波技术、发展新的技术理念、扩展新的适应症、推广无创治疗方式。
DUOLITH® SD1 冲击波疼痛治疗系统优势:
自从体外冲击波碎石术ESWL(Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy)上世纪80年代初开始应用于肾结石的治疗以来,体外冲击波的治疗指征已有了很大的扩展,体外冲击波的技术性能也有了相当大的改善。在疼痛康复领域,上世纪80年代末发现体外冲击波可用于假关节和末端病的治疗,比如说骨折延迟愈合、上髁炎、肌腱钙化和足底筋膜炎(跟刺)等。由此体外冲击波从单一的“体外冲击波碎石ESWL”演变产生出了新的治疗方法“体外冲击波治疗ESWT”(Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy)。
瑞士STORZ MEDICAL公司成立于1987年,为德国Karl Storz公司的分公司,秉承了其优良的传统及优秀的产品质量。STORZ MEDICAL AG公司开发和制造创新型冲击波设备已有20多年的历史。产品在全球数以百万计的案例中证明了其价值,并在疼痛康复科、骨科、泌尿科、风湿科、心脏科、胃肠科、皮肤科和耳鼻喉科等医学领域中树立新的标准。
The first combined shock wave therapy system
一、 Facts and figures:
The combination makes the difference
The shock wave is the heart of any modern ESWT device. It determines the efficiency and versatility of any shock wave therapy system.
■ Powerful energy range, individually selectable
■ Reliable therapy for deep penetration areas
■ Large focal zone, increased targeting precision
■ Simple changeover from focused to radial applicator, wide spectrum of indications
»The very best shock wave«
ESWT/PSWT - focused/planar shock wave therapy
RSWT - radial shock wave therapy
Facts and figures:
■ H x W x D (without monitor) =80 x 45 x 55 cm
■ ESWT applicator = 770 g
■ RSWT applicator = 445 g
■ Trigger button on both applicators
■ LCD colour display »Touch screen«
■ USB/LAN ports
■ Mobile use in surgeries and clinics
■ Patented STORZ MEDICAL cylindrical source
»Radial D-ACTOR®« technology
二、Range of application:
Valuable interdisciplinary therapy
■ Orthopaedics/surgery: large shoulder calcifications, heel pain, trigger points, insertion tendonitis, needle-free acupuncture, pseudarthroses
■ Improvement of mobility after stroke, post-traumatic spasm, polyneuropathies (PNP)
■ Urology: chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), Peyronie‘s disease (penile curvature), trigger point therapy
Experience and efficiency
The DUOLITH® SD1 »TOWER« is second to none in terms of the versatility and efficiency it offers. Modern physics, state-of-the-art technology and dynamic energy range ...
... in other words: the results of over 20 years of shock wave experience gathered by STORZ MEDICAL employees.

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