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cross beam/Kiln tyre supplier

品牌: 天重江天
单价: 面议
供货总量: 1 普通
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 安庆市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-03-23 10:02
浏览次数: 2135

cross beam/Kiln tyre supplier

The Steel Casting Division is subordinated to Tianjin TianzhongGiant Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Steel Division provides the domestic large-scale equipmentmanufacturing industry with high-end steel castings. Our fourseries of products are respectively steel castings for marine,cement, heavy machinery and power plant. The largest steel castingsis up to 500 tons .we mainly use resin sand and water-glass sand.The annual production capacity is 50,000 tons. The major products are: 1. Cement equipment: kiln tyre, mill table, girth gear, kilnroller etc.. 2. Press equipment: Upper and lower beam, moved cross beam, sidebeam and mill hoursing etc.. 3. Metallurgical equipment: large and medium roll mill stand,bearing stand and slag pot etc.. 4. Power equipment: cylinder casing of fossil steam turbineetc.. 5. Ship equipment: Rudder horn, stern casting, upper and lowercasting etc. 6. Pump/Valve: Pump&Valve steel castings,Carbon/alloy steelpump&valve castings. 7.Bridge: bridge saddle seat, bridge joint steelcasting,etc. We have approved GB/T19001-2000 IDT ISO9001: 2000 standardcertification, CCS, ABS, GL, BV Certification. Contact: Mr.Cheng Deputy Manager of MarketingDep. TianJin Tianzhong Giant heavy industry Co.,Ltd,China Tel: 86-86885998 Mobile: 86-13512447709 Email: 13512447709@163.免费; Address: Beichen Dist., Tianjin , China
特别提示:以上cross beam/Kiln tyre supplier的供应由天津市天重江天重工有限公司自行免费发布,仅供参考。该cross beam/Kiln tyre supplier产品信息的真实性、准确性及合法性未证实。请谨慎采用,风险自负。如需了解更多关于cross beam/Kiln tyre supplier的产品规格型号及批发价格或产品图片等详细参数说明资料;您可以进入天津市天重江天重工有限公司网站咨询。
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